Prejeli smo zanimiv dopis, ki ni anonimen, saj je avtor znan uredništvu. Ker gre za slovensko diplomacijo, naše interese v Bruslju in za proračunski denar, ga navajamo v celoti: "Spoštovani g. Požar,
Šarčeva vlada je tokrat požela "ogromen" uspeh: uspešno je lobirala za umestitev hčerke Bojana Petana, t.j. Petre Petan, v kabinet evropskega komisarja Gentilonija. Prilagam:
1) novico na MMC v zvezi s tem : Bitka za položaje v komisarskih kabinetih je končana. Kaj je iztržila Slovenija? (" ... Kako uspešno je Slovenija lobirala tokrat, bo znano v naslednjih dneh, neuradno naj bi Slovenci mesto dobili v kabinetu resorja za širitev madžarskega komisarja Varhelyija in kabinetu komisarja za gospodarstvo iz Italije Gentilonija, v igri pa je še nekaj položajev v drugih kabinetih ...")
2) razmeroma bizarno samohvalno Facebook objavo Petre Petan o tej umestitvi (vir: )
3) Twitter objavo Petre Petan o svoji umestitvi:
4) LinkedIn profil Petre Petan, ki kaže, da je kljub svojim skromnim izkušnjam delovala kot "višja svetovalka" (?!) Šarčevi vladi (vir: ). Morda vam lahko posredujem tudi zadolžitve Petre Petan v Gentilonijevem kabinetu - v zvezi s katerimi, kolikor vem, nima relevantnih izkušenj in/ali komptenc.
Vljudno prosim za anonimnost." Potem je sledil še anonimni poziv slovenskim (in drugim) novinarjem, naj malo raziščejo, kako se v Ljubljani in Bruslju kadruje, prav v povezavi s primerom Petre Petan: "Dear,
Find attached two snapshots of Ms. Petra Petan, the daughter of Bojan Petan who is publicly celebrating her success of getting into the Cabinet of the Commissioner Gentiloni. Rumours say this is a somewhat fishy candidate, who presents herself in the social media as an economist (apparently no such education obtained). However, she has been working on socially sensitive issues in DG for Employment - defending social rights given her family background and actions raises an eyebrow. Furthermore, now she is joining one of the highest decision bodies of the European Commission (The cabinet of the DG for economic affairs), which among other focuses has in its domain a serious fight of money laundering (herself being involved in some of the diversions of money through partnership companies might raise another eyebrow). Having a look into Ms. social media accounts - Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram might provide you with even more information.
A critical journalist might address the question to the European Commission and its cabinets how is this possible and if the European Commission does not check thoroughly the background of the members of the cabinets.
A critical jounalist might also discuss other own nationals in the cabinets of the new commission including the strategy of the national Commissioner and hiscabinet in chosing their staff and supporting national candidates. It would be interesting if media would achieve more transparency who of the national -s has joined the cabinets. Some countries do that.
Contacting Politico might help in obtaining more inner information than the roumors described here."
Kdo torej "ne mara" Petra Petan - v Bruslju? Raziskujemo naprej.